Worksite Wellness Manager

Worksite Wellness Manager Careers

The slow recovery of the economy is currently creating a difficult job market for many individuals, especially professionals.  While many industries are still in a hiring hold, public health employment has been experiencing a continued upturn.  Further, the variety of specialties in this sector can offer employment to people from nearly any educational background.

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Worksite wellness manager is just one job in the public healthcare field that can be an attractive choice if you have management, engineering, or healthcare experience.  This position is also one that offers a good salary and a stable work environment.  If you are interested in exploring the prospect of going into public health, then worksite wellness manager may be the path for you.

What Is A Worksite Wellness Manager?

Worksite wellness managers ensure that employees enjoy a healthy occupational experience.  These safety technicians will inspect businesses and industries to ensure that the space is free of toxins, microbes, harmful fumes, and mold and fungi.  They will periodically look at places where disease can fester, such as in air ducts and cooling units, and they will also inspect the structure of the building to ensure that excess moisture and seepage is not contributing to harmful growth.  Further, worksite wellness manages will oversee any changes that need to be implemented in order to reduce or remove the risk of these health hazards

Worksite wellness managers are expected to perform the following tasks:

  •   Inspect structural designs for possible breeches and infestation.
  •   Take samples for analysis.
  •   Inspect structures such as vents and heating systems to ensure air safety.
  •   Come up with viable solutions in cases where staff may come to possible harm.
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These skills will also help in your performance as a worksite wellness manager:

  •   Leadership skills:  You will need to guide and supervise workplace managers in making necessary changes to improve and promote employee health.
  •   Analytical thinking:  You will also need to be able to generate theories from the samples and data that you gather.  This will allow you to identify potential hazards.
  •   Communications skills:  You will need to be able to provide written and verbal reports on your findings and suggestions.  You will also need to be able to educate the public about possible workplace dangers.

Nature Of The Work

Worksite wellness managers often work directly for the department of health and are contracted out to different businesses and sites for inspections.  This job will require that you travel quite frequently to perform these evaluations.  After you have completed your sampling and testing, you will draft a report that outlines your findings and also offers suggestions for changes that can create a safer and healthier work environment.

Education And Training

Worksite wellness managers may gain employment with a four year Bachelor’s degree.  The course focus should include workplace safety, engineering, biology, and chemistry.  As well, a familiarity with local laws and regulations on workplace health is necessary, and this may require experiential training.  Most four year undergraduate programs provide some learning labs, but many applicants will complete an internship to gain this experience.

Although many employers do not require any certification for this position, it is generally encouraged to gain credentialing.  This can help in job advancement and may also lead to higher pay grades.  Credentialing occurs through industry examination, and some states will require continuing education in order to maintain this designation,

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Worksite wellness managers can expect sound pay, even as an entry level position.  This lower end of wages starts at over $45,000 per year.  Most worksite wellness managers will average at $70,000 per year, with some higher rates for greater experience levels.  With higher education and longer experience, advanced positions in this field may earn as much as $100,000 annually.  This presents an attractive career path for many people who are searching for a stable job.

The growth in this industry is also fairly steady.  Increases in employment are above the national average, and an expected 7% rise is projected between 2012 and 2022.  This presents a picture of good stability for job retention, with continued opportunities for new applicants.  If you are interested in employment that has a competitive salary and ample room for growth, then a job as a worksite wellness manager is an attractive career choice.

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