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What We Offer

Welcome to Careersinpublichealth.net! Are you interested in an exciting and rewarding career in public health? Then this new website is for you – it is full of the information that people need to know who want to work in the exciting, dynamic field of public health.

This website includes information about all areas of public health, including:

  • Different specialities of public health – epidemiology, biostatistics, health education, environmental health, and more
  • Detailed career path information for all major public health specialties
  • Information about 191 top schools of public health
  • Detailed information about top online public health programs
  • Average public health salary by state, and top public health employer for each
  • Education requirements for different public health careers
  • Anticipated job demand for major public health careers in the future

It is our hope that all of this public health career information in one convenient place will help you to make an informed decision about your new career.

What Is Public Health?

A career in public health offers something for every professional. Are you interested in mathematics and modeling? Then consider epidemiology or biostatistics. Do you like to make a difference in both the health of communities and the environment? Then consider environmental health as a career. If you are more interested in the administration side of things, then consider public health administration. Those interested in education can find an exciting career in public health education to help people learn about how to prevent the spread of diseases.

An Exciting Time for a Public Health Career

In a time of soaring healthcare costs, there is more of a focus in most countries on trying to prevent illness and disease before they gain a foothold in the population. In fact, most public health experts agree that many major advances in health in the next 30 years will not be from new medical findings, but from more development of population-based prevention programs.

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Health services delivery systems are changing all over the world, with more stress put on health promotion and disease prevention. This change in focus on health care is creating many new opportunities for new public health professionals.

Also, the public is becoming more informed about the effects of pollutants and toxic wastes on health. So there is more emphasis put on assuring the safety of local communities and also worker safety and health. Consequently, there is more demand for public health experts in environmental health and industrial hygiene.

Last, there has been a major surge in public health research in the area of women’s health, and child substance abuse. There also is more of a stress being place on making behavioral changes to lower the risk of STDs, HIV and TB. We also are seeing more emphasis on school health and the health of disadvantaged populations.

Public Health Education Opportunities Increasing

With the demand for public health professionals increasing, there are more colleges and universities offering programs in public health. Note that few universities offer undergraduate programs in public health; students can obtain a degree in a related discipline, such as microbiology, chemistry or engineering. Then, they can work towards earning their master’s degree in public health, or MPH.

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There are now 36 schools of public health in the US today that are accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health, or CEPH, which is the major accrediting body for public health programs. More are being created every year.

What You Will Learn Here

This website is designed to provide you with all of the information you need to choose your public health career. For example, you will learn about these major public health career fields:

  • Biostatistics – This is the science that applies theories of statistics and mathematical principles to research in biology, public health, medicine and environmental science. You will use mathematical and scientific tools to learn the cause of diseases and injuries. Biostatisticians can earn a salary of $75,000 with a master’s degree, and job demand will soar by 27% by 2022.
  • Epidemiology – These professionals engage in fieldwork to determine the causes of diseases and injury, what kind of risks there are, who is at most risk and how to stop further spread of disease. These experts understand the demographic and social trends that stem from injury and disease. This public health profession is very important in stopping disease in its tracks – the discovery and containment of major outbreaks of flu or mad cow disease often is done by epidemiologists. Median salary in this field is $65,300, with an increase of job demand of 10% by 2022.
  • Environmental health – These scientists improve public health by identifying and addressing major environmental risk factors of illness and disease. This is a very complex and multifaceted profession, which spans chemistry, toxicology and engineering. You can expect a median salary of $63,500, and job demand will increase by 15% by 2022.

About This Site

CareersinPublicHealth.net proudly features 173 career & salary comparisons, 188 schools & programs with 734 masters, 147 doctorate's, 148 certificates and 128 distance learning options. Salary profiles for all public health careers total a whopping $536,083,000.