Statistical Research Analyst

Statistical research analyst careers offer a myriad of different opportunities, and professionals embarking on this career path in the field of public health can appreciate a high level of job security as well as employment opportunities and a high salary. The benefit of working public health is that a professional is able to directly impact the public or a population within a region with the work they provide, improving the lives of people all around the globe.

Choosing to become a statistical research analyst is one career choice that many do not regret, as it allows them to remain employed during even the most difficult economic downturns if they turn their skills to the public health field. The field of public health is ever growing and populations will continue to need to have their general health monitored and saved from any potential risks, making this field one that worthy of consideration.

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What Is A Statistical Research Analyst?

A statistical research analyst in a public health setting will be in charge of carrying out various different tasks related to all types of statistical data collected by other public health professionals such as epidemiologists or environmental scientists. The statistical research analyst will use these different types of statistical data to craft projects, relay information, and assist with method efficiency. The work that this type of professional provides is important to the overall bigger picture of public health, and without statistical research analysts the data collected by different public health groups would not be able to be properly correlated or understood by all personnel in the field.

On a daily basis, a statistical research analyst may be found completing any of the following tasks:

  •   Compiling groups of statistical data to be used in various projects being completed by a public health team.
  •   Preparing statistical considerations for different trial or testing programs
  •   Assisting in the development of new statistical methods and procedures to be used in field testing in the future
  •   Evaluating the quality or accuracy of various pieces of data or information collected by other public health professionals
  •   Attending meetings with supervisors or other members of a public health group
  •   Aiding a supervisor in writing statistical reports
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A statistical research analyst works mainly in statistics and statistic research, as they assist with projects and information sharing with other members of a public health team.

Education And Training

A master’s degree in biostatistics or a related field is often required to work as a statistical research analyst. These related fields aside from biostatistics may also include statistics, bioinformatics, or mathematics; however a biostatistics degree will best prepare an individual for work in the field.

The first step in achieving a master’s degree in biostatistics is to first obtain a bachelor’s degree in public health, statistics, mathematics, or another related field. This bachelor’s degree will be earned when a student completes a 4 year undergraduate degree program which will focus on their major as well as any specialized or related subjects that may be included in a biostatistics track.

The master’s degree in biostatistics program that is to follow the bachelor’s degree program will last a total of  2 years and involve field as well as classroom study. This field study is geared towards helping students to understand all that is needed in a professional biostatistician work setting as well as to gain experience working with statistical analyst professionals.

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Certificates in statistics and statistical research are available to professionals who want to become certified statistical research analysts. These certifications are earned through the completion of a program or the passing of an exam, and although certification is not always required it is typically recommended for those who wish to have a leg up on any professional competition. Certifications may need to be renewed through continued education.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the demand for qualified statistical research analysts to rise by 27% by the year 2022, and with a projected 19,500 new job vacancies becoming available in the field. This high level of demand means that jobs will be regularly available to those considering entering this field. The average yearly salary for a statistical research analyst is around $72,000, making this career one that allows for security and financial benefits. 

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