Public Health Institute

Entering the medical field makes a lot of sense when you’re thinking about finding a job that offers professional benefits like good pay, great job stability, and benefit packages. It is also a career field that offers excellent personal rewards as well, including the knowledge that you’re helping the public improve their health in major ways.

However, finding a position that appeals to you isn’t always that easy. This is particularly true for those who don’t relish the idea of providing direct bedside care to patients. That is why entering the field of public health has become so popular. Few other fields allow you the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of a career in health without having to directly work with patients on a constant basis.

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Finding a public health institute career lets you take advantage of those benefits and know that you’re helping others without having to provide that bedside care that you may not be interested in providing. There are numerous options within a public health institute, and learning more about some of your options is something that is well worth taking the time to do. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is a Public Health Institute Career?

A public health institute career is one that places you within an institute of public health in any capacity. Public health institutes employ a wide range of professionals, ranging from nurses to epidemiologists and even dentists. Along with health care providers and researchers, management and assistant positions are also often available. As such, finding a career in a public health institute means considering the specific area of employment that you want to focus on, and then finding a job in the public health institute that matches it.

Potential options for employment in a public health institute include:

  •   Researcher
  •   Epidemiologist
  •   Health administrator
  •   Public health nurse
  •   Nutritionist
  •   Substance abuse expert
  •   Public health physician
  •   And more
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It’s important to understand that there are numerous public health institutes out there, including 38 that are members of the National Network of Public Health. Each facility will focus on a wide range of different subjects, issues, and solutions. As such, choosing to work in this field is more about deciding upon your area of expertise more than it is deciding that a job in a public health institute is right for you.

In general, however, those working in this field will focus on preventing disease and improving the quality of life for the public. This may include developing educational materials or programs, starting resource initiatives, and conducting research into public health issues along with a wide range of other things.

Nature of the Work

The nature of the work you’ll do in a public health institute will vary depending on your expertise, your training, and more. Most will work in varied settings, spending time in offices as well as in exam rooms, labs, or even in the field. Many will also attend meetings and visit conferences or seminars that are directly related to their overall area of expertise.

Most public health institute jobs will be government positions, which means that you’ll likely enjoy good benefits and solid job stability.

Education and Training

As with the nature of the job and the work, the education you’ll need will vary based on what it is you want to do. For some, such as those in clerical positions, nothing more than a high school diploma or a certificate from a trade school will be needed for employment. Others, like epidemiologists, will need to earn a master’s degree or better and spend time honing their skills through internships and on the job training before they’re able to enter a position at a public health institute.

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Salaries will vary also, depending upon the location you work in, the specific area of employment, and more. It’s important to research the specific job you’re interested in prior to concerning yourself too much with a public health institute position. This way, you’ll understand what the requirements for that job are and what kind of salary you can expect. Once that you learn these basic points you’ll then be able to take steps to learn more about how to apply for and land a job in a public health institute.

About This Site proudly features 173 career & salary comparisons, 188 schools & programs with 734 masters, 147 doctorate's, 148 certificates and 128 distance learning options. Salary profiles for all public health careers total a whopping $536,083,000.