Lecturer Public Health

A rough job market is difficult for any professional to navigate.  Limited opportunities also mean lower salaries and less likelihood for advancement.  The field of public health is still experiencing a large amount of job growth, and it is projected that this will continue for some years.

Many jobs in the public health sector can appeal to profession interests.  The position of a lecturer public health is one career path that can offer personal and public rewards.  This job can help you raise your quality of living while you are helping others in the community to reach their full health potential.  If you think that good wages and advancement potential coupled with public service is an ideal career, then the job of lecturer public health may be a good fit.

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What Is A Lecturer Public Health?

A lecturer public health helps to promote wellness by providing health education.  This position allows the educator to connect with the community and address general and specific concerns.  Lectures may include lifestyle changes as well as specific treatments and interventions,  Much of the subject matter will be dictated by community needs, but many national healthcare mandates will also be addressed.

Lecturer public health positions would have the following expectations as a part of the job:

  •   Evaluate and identify the prominent health needs of the community.
  •   Design lesson plans that address these subjects.
  •   Propose strategies for preventive care and interventions.
  •   Educate the public about managing existing and chronic conditions.
  •   Train other professionals in health education practices.
  •   Advocate for health resources and services within the community.
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Some skill sets that will also be beneficial in this line of work include:

  •   Public speaking:  Much of this job will require that you are comfortable addressing groups, and that you are able to be informative and engaging while doing so.
  •   Critical thinking:  You will need to come up with ways to raise awareness in diverse populations.  This will require that you use social cues to reach your audience.
  •   Problem solving:  You will also need to come up with strategies to promote healthy habits in the community.  This may require that you overcome obstacles of behavior and resources.
  •   Interpersonal skills: You will need to build trust with members of the community.  This may require that you take different approaches with different groups within the population.

Nature Of The Work

This position can take you to a number of venues.  Whether you are employed by the local, state, or federal department of health, you may be asked to speak at school, universities, hospitals, clinics and community centers.  Much your time will be devoted to lecturing and interacting with the public, although you will be required to draw up lesson plans and educational tracts as well.

Education And Training

Lecturer public health positions require that you complete a four year Bachelor degree with a focus on health educations.  You will also want to include community care, social studies, health and wellness, and cultural studies in your courses.  A one year internship in community health services will also be required for this position.

For this position you will also need to become licensed as a public health educator.  This will require that you pass you CHES exam, and that you maintain your credential status by completing 50 hours of continuing education classes every three years.  If you allow this to lapse you will need to retake the exam. 

Pay grades for lecturer public health jobs can range, depending upon your experience level and your employment.  Some entry level salaries are around $30,000 per year, while other may be as high as $35,000.  The average salary for a lecturer public health is just above $50,000, and the top 10% in this field can earn as much as $90,000 per year.  This offers a good outlook for advancement.

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Job openings are also very steady for this line of employment.  The projected increase over the next decade is well above the national average.  The projection for new jobs between the years 2012 and 2022 is estimated at a 25% increase, which make finding employment quite positive.  If you are interested in acting as an educator and advocate for health awareness in the community, then the job of lecturer public health can provide a solid career path.

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CareersinPublicHealth.net proudly features 173 career & salary comparisons, 188 schools & programs with 734 masters, 147 doctorate's, 148 certificates and 128 distance learning options. Salary profiles for all public health careers total a whopping $536,083,000.